根据我院与新加坡南洋理工大学数学系签署的协议, 南洋理工大学数学系每年将从我院本科生中招收若干名直博生。2015年招生考试将于2014年9月22 – 23 日期间在我院进行, 招收对象为我院未报名参加保研的2015本科应届毕业生。
进一步信息可到时向新加坡南洋理工大学的面试老师咨询,有意申请的同学请于9月18日前向个人简历(最好是英文版)发给黄晨龙老师([email protected])报名,具体时间及地点将另行通知。
The TPT syllabus.
Students are asked to choose between two options:
I (Calculus and Real Analysis) + II (Linear Algebra),
II (Linear Algebra) + III (Algorithmics).
*I. Calculus and Real Analysis*
I-i) Limits, continuity and differentiability.
I-ii) Intermediate Value Theorem, Rolle’s Theorem, Mean Value Theorem.
I-iii) Integrability and integrals, substitution rule, integration by parts.
I-iv) Infinite sequences and series, power series, radius of convergence, absolute convergence, tests for convergence, Taylor's formula.
I-v) Elementary differential equations.